Namespace Kitab\Compiler\IntermediateRepresentation

This namespace contains all the Intermediate Representations the parser will compile into. They represent an abstraction of the code holding only the data required by the target.

See the global workflow to get understand where the Intermediate Representation (IR) happens.

Into IR with a visitor

The parser analyses a file, and a resulting Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is generated on success. The AST is then transformed into the IR by applying a visitor on it. The Kitab\Compiler\IntermediateRepresentation\Into class acts as a visitor on the AST to transform some nodes in the AST into IR. When the transformation finishes, the IR can be retrived by collecting it.


Let $phpParser be an instance of the PHP-Parser parser, thus:

// Parse PHP code.
$statements = $phpParser->parse('<?php function f(int $x): int { return $x << 2; }');

// Prepare the visitor to transform the AST into IR.
$intoIR = new Kitab\Compiler\IntermediateRepresentation\Into('example.php');

// Prepare the visitor logic.
$traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser();

// Visitor and transform.

// Collect the result.
$intermediateRepresentation = $intoIR->collect();

assert($intermediateRepresentation instanceof Kitab\Compiler\IntermediateRepresentation\File);

